Friday, June 15, 2018

"Silence for Summerland"

Hey, guys! Here's another one of my poems. Hope you enjoy!

"Silence for Summerland"

I am silent.
But not for long.
I will be silent no longer. 
I will be given the gift of life. I will be introduced to Gaea.
Novem Mensibus.
All that time, being silent, with the exception of the faint beat of my heart.

Then I will arrive into the world, screaming and crying, but with no recollection of why.
Perhaps it will be the unfamiliar feelings?
The strange sensation of hands holding me.

Maybe it will be the sudden light bursting through my eyelids that will still be shut like steel doors of a vault, protecting the most important treasure.

The sounds, coming from everywhere all at once.

The heart monitors, the nurses communicating to each other, the strange noises coming from their mouths that will make no sense to me.

I will have no understanding of anything... because all I will have known is silence.

And maybe, just maybe, it will be the fact that that silence will have been broken and from then on, life will be a constant clutter of irritating noise.

Loud coffee shops, bustling cities, heavy traffic, irritated car horns, roaring trains, barking dogs, murmuring machinery, annoying telephones, rustling paper, tapping pens, forks scraping on plates, nails on chalkboards, smacking gum, and unending thoughts.

There will be years of this along the winding roller coaster that we call life.

Years of being loud and pushing silence away, believing there will be no use for it and that I must keep my life full of noise.

And then...

Silence will come once again.

There will be wrinkled skin.
There will be white hair.
There will be shaking bones.
There will be hard hearing.
There will be bad eyes.
There will be rasping breaths.
There will be a failing heart.
Or maybe a deteriorating mind.
Or perhaps it will be that time
will have caught up with me.
Like two hour glasses,
set for different speeds.

And they will all be me.

I will be laying down. 
I will be preparing myself.
I will close my eyes.
I will breathe one more breath.
And I will welcome it.

The thing that first brought me to life.
I will take its hand,
and we will walk, side by side,to Summerland.

I was loud.
But not for long.
For I am silent, once more.

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